Back to our regularly scheduled program. Being single and 36 means:
-It becomes increasingly difficult to get a good picture to post (at least, it is for me.) The sporadic gray doesn't show or anything but my hair is thinner, my laugh lines are noticeable, and the corner of my eyes are starting to droop. Also, my poor bra has to work a little harder to keep the girls up.
-Dating online requires a really, really thick skin. By comparison, it was a walk in the park when I was in my 20s. Guys usually wrote me back. Now? Um, not usually, which is daunting. I'll never send out a form email, because I'll never be that lazy about trying to strike up a connection and people can spot those a mile away, but I'm starting to understand why people do it. Life is short. Funny, smart, interesting
With that said, I got a response back from one of the guys on CL right before I left for AZ. It might be too early to tell but I think I might have an FWB on my hands. Thank God! I'm positively dying over here. He looks exactly like Karl Urban (or Éomer from Lord of the Rings) and speaks like a naughty Englishman. Case in point, I told him I was going to be in Arizona and wouldn't be back till today and he suggested we "flirt like mad" in the meantime. So, we did. And our game plan is to meet [are you ready for this one?] at his place for a few drinks tomorrow night.
It sounds a bit risky but my gut tells me things will be fine. Will keep you posted.
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